
This is a place you're invited to visit regularly for hot topics and creative ideas about all things philanthropic. Looking ahead is the focus. Here you'll learn about things you can do to design and use financial, estate, and gift plans that add value to your life - and, to the community and world around you.

You recall the Wizard of Oz noted, 'Back where I come from, there are men who do good deeds. They are called phila...er, phila...er, yes, ah, Good Deed Doers.' Indeed, men & women who are active philanthropists epitomize the spirit of good deed doing, not just back in the Wizard's homeland, but across the USA and around the world.

So, if you're curious about philanthropy, estate & gift planning, voluntarism, charitable financial planning, read on.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bequests are #1 gift by those with estate plans.

Recent research shows that 89 percent of gifts in estate plans are bequests. Whether you have a Will or a Trust for your estate plans, a charitable bequest is the #1 way to make a testamentary gift for your college, church, or favorite charities. If you have already included a charitable bequest in your estate plans, you have ensured your legacy gift will make a difference in perpetuity. If you have not yet done so, it's relatively easy - and you don't need to create a new Will or Trust - a Codicil (for your Will) or an Amendment (for your Trust) is sufficient.

It's important to check with your college, church, or favorite charity about the exact language you should use for your charitable bequest - to be sure what you want to do will be done - but, the key thing is to ask your lawyer to prepare the provision for your charitable bequest so that you can sign the documents promptly and then rest easy, knowing your desire to make this testamentary gift will be fulfilled.

And, in most cases, your charitable beneficiary will recognize your generosity in a special way. For example, at James Madison University, everyone who remembers the university in their financial & estate plans is recognized as a member of The Madison Founders Society. Nearly 500 individuals have been a part of this society since it was created in 1982 - and, a special benenfit of membership is the annual Membership Appreciation Brunch in the fall - commemorating the arrival of the first student at Madison nearly a century ago - in 1909. This year, the Madison Founders Society Brunch will be on Saturday, September 20th.

Create a legacy for generations to come, make a charitable bequest in your Will or Trust.