
This is a place you're invited to visit regularly for hot topics and creative ideas about all things philanthropic. Looking ahead is the focus. Here you'll learn about things you can do to design and use financial, estate, and gift plans that add value to your life - and, to the community and world around you.

You recall the Wizard of Oz noted, 'Back where I come from, there are men who do good deeds. They are called phila...er, phila...er, yes, ah, Good Deed Doers.' Indeed, men & women who are active philanthropists epitomize the spirit of good deed doing, not just back in the Wizard's homeland, but across the USA and around the world.

So, if you're curious about philanthropy, estate & gift planning, voluntarism, charitable financial planning, read on.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hmmmm.... Michael Jackson's WIll

Well, it seems the world is curious about all things Michael Jackson, and where else better than a blog on all things having to do with financial & estate planning to offer you, dear readers, a link to MJ's LAST WILL & TESTAMENT. 

So, here it is - 

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